Hoodoos Part 2

Amazing hike down into the Bryce amphitheater this morning. The Navajo Loop Trail winds down into the canyon, so you're often walking at the foot of the hoodoos that tower overhead. The hoodoos are tall, thin spires of rock that have been carved by wind and water into fantastic shapes. The Paiute used to tell a story that the hoodoos were bad people that Coyote turned into stone, and it's easy to see the figures of people and other things (including poodles and reclining cats) in the stone shapes

What makes Bryce so amazing are the vivid colors in the rock - softer and more delicate than at Zion. When the light is right, the rocks glow with pink, orange, red, and white.

The trail ends with a narrow passage between the sheer cliffs of Wall Street - a location that Caroline especially wanted to see. Below, the kids stand by the twin pines that mark the entrance of the passage.

This is an amazing and special place that almost seems too wondrous to be real. 
